So I’ve been a bit quiet on the old blog since the Artists in Learning network launch. I’ve been quite busy doing some supply and odd jobs. This isn’t to say that I’ve given up on the whole self employment thing, it’s just that sometimes money (or bills) take priority.
Anyway it is now the Easter holidays which means I’ve got a bit more time to reflect on what I need to do in my quest for self employment dominance.
I’ve had some interesting conversations with a variety of people regarding workshopping and Arts Award (I always manage to get Arts Award in there somewhere). I’ve also started researching into ways in which I can influence myself onto the wider community. You see it occurred to me one day a few years ago that the area I live in doesn’t seem to have much going on but has an awful lot of potential to do so. There are two schools on our estate alone. We also have a satellite centre for the local Sure Start centre as well as well as a shop run by the local church/community and a residents association. Now you’d think with all that going on there would be lots of community projects that happen. Well as far as I’m aware there is nothing. Nada. Zip. Nowt. This is my quest. I am going to properly research what happens in the area. I will contact the residents association, councillors and potential stakeholders to find this out. I will then do a survey in the local area to find out what people would like in the area. It might be that I find that there is no requirement for anything in the area and that people are happily milling along in their lives with no arts or music provision or no provision for community projects whatsoever. However, I’m pretty certain nobody knows because I’m sure nobody has ever been asked (I’ve lived there 3 years and nobody has ever asked me).
So that’s my plan! I think it partly stems from the fact I miss studying. I love researching and reading and really miss it. If I could decide what I wanted to do, I’d do my masters but I just can’t decide what to study so it just gets put on hold each time.
My other plan at the moment is to write a book. I know I’ve said this time and time again and it never happens but I’m determined now. I’ve decided that I am going to write a book specifically for musicians and music students to show how their skills can help when applying for courses and employment. I’ve found that many young people I have worked with are not aware of the skills that they develop other than the musical skills so I have decided to write a book about this. Again this will probably involve research but hopefully will be beneficial (and profitable – we can dream).
I’m still creating (and redesigning) various worksheets and activities. When I have some new ones I will put them on here and pinterest for people to download. I’m not sure whether they are useful to anyone but I feel that I spent a long time making a lot of them so I really should do something with them rather than them sitting on my harddrive gathering dust (or whatever gathers on harddrives). It also means that I can have a proper sort out of my harddrive which is still in some hideous state because I’ve spent the last 3 years trying to organise it properly and it just never happens. (Am I the only person who has this problem).
So lots to be getting on with. Not much concrete in the pipeline but lots of ideas to put into operation.
Oooh other big news on the self employment trail, I had my last meeting at the Job Centre this week. To be fair, I’ve been quite vocal about how the NEA scheme isn’t particularly helpful when becoming self employed. Yes the money is nice to have (albeit it’s a small amount) and the ease of access to the start up loan is good especially in a time when it is so hard to get start up grants and loans for small businesses. However, the support has been very minimal. I mentioned this to my adviser on Monday. I’ve been lucky in the sense that with the network launch and business planning help through that I have had support in terms of marketing etc but if I had no links at all I would’ve struggled even more. Oh well the 6 months are over now. In hindsight I wish I had started it later, however there’s not much you can do about that now. It ticks the job centre box so it’s not all bad.
Well I think that’s enough rambling from me for one day. If there’s anything you would like me to ramble about please feel free to let me know.
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If you would like more information regarding the Northamptonshire Artists in Learning network please email
Over and out
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